A guide to flying in a VL:
VLs have ICAOs (a destination or airports, ex. EDDF) so you can choose which ICAOs you want to fly. You have to choose 5 ICAOs to be able to fly,To see what are the ICAOs in this company, on the FSXTools.de website point your mouse to Virtual Airlines, then click on List All VL's, then find Blue Airliner and point your mouse over Blue Airliner. You could also click here , go to our Map or our List
You get points by flying to ICAOs on time, by flying to big airports (you get more points vs. smaller airports), and by having lots of passengers (the bot sets the passengers. If you fly to bigger airports you get more passengers.), and also the further away the flight the more the points. Plus, the more legs you fly you get better points (leg is 1 destination).
How the points work?
When you land on time you get points, the owner(s) of the VL get points(20% of points) and other pilots that are part of the VL (get 10% of what you make including you; if you get 300pts all pilots of the VL get 30pts, the owner(s) get 60pts and you still have the 300). If we have more pilots and they fly on time then we shall get 10% (or 20% for owner(s)) of the points they make. But if a pilot is delayed or fails the flight then everyone loses points.
So it's important that all pilots are on time so everyone on the VL can make points.
Ways to be on time:
Never start a VL and then taxi, always start the VL before takeoff (it is best to write down the dest. on the chat box, by typing, ex., !vl edds edde eddn eddc ebbr (you can choose any ICAOs), I do it when the bot gives me clearance for takeoff), try to fly as fast as you can, watch your time and try to calculate to see how much time you have until destination and you should be 15-20 mins ahead of schedule (because you need time to land).
>How to fly at max speed?
Depending on your plane you want to fly at high altitudes. I like to use 737, which I fly at 27,000 feet and 337 nm. That way when flying at a high altitude there is less air drag, however some planes fly slower at higher altitudes because of lack of oxigen for the engine. <
You can land at the dest. a max of 10 mins early to count on time, or 10 mins late. So if ETA is 1:30 then you can land between 1:20-1:40. When you land you have to wait 5 minutes after ETA to take off, so until 1:35 (during the waiting time I go near the runway I landed to save time, because most of the time the not will tell you to takeoff there. If the bot is delaying you, just cancel atc and takeoff without the bot (you can cancel the by !cancelatc)) you will see a messege that says "=Bot= You are cleared to your next destination (ICAO), (your nick name). ATC should contact you..."
What owner(s) do:
As part of me being an owner(and all other partners/owners) is that I have to buy ICAOs and pay technical fees (fees are 100 per pilot, they get paid every 1-2 weeks), so if a pilot is not flying or keeps failing, its cause the owner(s) to lose points and the company stats go down. Plus when you fly on time your VL Stats go up which means better bonus points.
Checking your destinations and time:
To check you destinations you type !status and you will see where you have to go and your ETA. To check the time type !time in the chat box (there will be 2 different times, go after the second one and not the first one).
The bot will create a tower for you (and delete it too after take off) at about 50-60nm from your destination on frequency 126.75 (which is default VL freq.).
When done:
When you are done playing the VL always cancel on the grown (by typing !cancelvl) you only loose 5 points, if you cancel on air you loose 100 points. To cancel in the air you type !cancelvl (then the bot will ask you if you are sure and you type !cancel).